Thursday, December 11, 2014


Janie is the protaginist of Their Eyes Were Watching God and my opinion of her has been ever changing throughout the book. She seems to be developing throughout the book and in in fact has been alive for about 24 years from the begining of the book even though it may seem much less. At first I thought Janie seemed extremely naive, as she expected to fall in love with someone she just married. While it may seem as if it was her grandmother that misled her, Janie was 16 years old at the time. Right now, most people who are in 6th grade would at least know that is not how love works. In her defense I guess it was a diferent time period. After she runs away with Jody I was at first confused at why she seemed so unhappy. She had all this money, and at the time what I thought to be "power". I thought she was being sort of bratty at first and I did not understand why she was discontent with her life. However as the story unfolds it becomes aparent that she dislikes this relationship because of how it restricts her freedom. She is in a sense, supressed by Jody and is unable to truly enjoy life because of how controlling he has to be. While I believe that she should have told Jody how she felt earlier, I did find find myself understanding her point of view more as the story progressed. Now with Tea Cakes she seems to have finally found someone who geuinlly just wants her to have fun. If this is just a facade or the real deal will be found out later in the book, but at the moment it seems as if Janie is ready to take the risk, and sell what she has to go marry Tea Cakes. We will find out later in the book whether this is a smart choice or not. I for one am not sure whether this is a good choice or not, but what is life without some risks? In conclusion each chapter I read Janie develops as a character and my opinion of her does as well.