Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six 6 Word Stories

  1. The Civil War was anything but
  2. He didn't confess until the eulogy
  3. For Sale: Wedding Ring, slightly worn
  4. The NSA spied on the President
  5. She reconsidered, halfway to the pavement
  6. I used to share a surname

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

A hero is someone, who when faced with a challenge can show courage not just for themselves but for others. John Proctor, while he did make mistakes and perhaps isn't the best role model, was a hero. He did eventually do what was right by attempting to call out Abigail and show people how they were accusing the innocent and letting the guilty go free. Despite the obvious danger of speaking out against Abigail and the other girls he is determined to stand up for people who are unable to do so for themselves. Not many people would be willing to put their life on the line for others, as it is evident by the amount of people that confessed. And who could blame them? John Proctor also wouldn't confess to being a witch because he didn't want to taint his family name. John Proctor has his faults but without them he wouldn't be a very believable character. Hero's don't have to be flawless, but when the time comes they are the people who step up a little higher than other than others.What John did took courage, and skill, and even though his plan dint work out perfectly his effort was noble and heroic nonetheless.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There goes the Neighborhood

To put it bluntly, what happened to the Native Americans  when European settlers came could easily be classified as genocide. When the settlers and explorers came to the Americas the natives had no way of knowing what the people that they viewed to be god like would do them. The Europeans were so much more technologically advanced than the natives that they must have appeared intimidating with their giant ships and swords. In Columbus's journal it seems that the explorers appeared to be friendly to the natives because of the gifts they gave them. Even though the settlers were going onto lands that theoretically should have belonged to the natives, the natives generally didn't just attack them outright because of their morals and they might have been a bit fearful of the settlers. By the time that the natives saw how the settlers were extremely prejudiced and racist towards them they probably had a much different view of the settlers than when they first arrived. The settlers didn't do much to have a huge cause for concern, so the native most likely weren't to worried.

Chicago has some of the worlds most segregated neighborhoods. Unlike Whitney Young it is rare for two people of different race or culture to live in the same neighborhood. Humans tend to think of people like them superior to those that are different and thus, when people of different cultures are together  there can be problems. Fear of something different can cause contempt or a lack of trust between people. However it seems that the more that people are exposed to different cultures, the more open minded they are. People will always be mad at others for one reason or another but hopefully it is for a reason more justified than something people have no control over.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Stuff and such about me

My name is Michael Bump and I am a Sophomore here at Whitney Young. I enjoy soccer, frisbee, computers, running, eating, sleeping, the color orange, and the letter T. Maybe not so much the last one but for the most part while I may not be especially good at any of these (other than eating) I have fun doing these activities. I was born in Chicago in a neighborhood called Edgewater, but I now live in a neighborhood called Edgebrook, and am thinking about moving to Edgestream. I have a twin sister who goes to Jones. When I grow up I probably want to be some type of engineer, probably civil or computer engineering. I don't play any organized sports but I do have a job where I fix mostly computers, laptops, and cell phones. What is so great about this is that not only am I getting great experience in case I ever want to be a future computer engineer but I get paid doing something that I like. I commute to school from Jefferson Park which is a stop on the blue line. One thing that I forgot to add is that I like tacos. I wrote a 2 and a half page paper for English last year on why tacos are the best food ever invented. Although I don't know if a mere human could have created such a masterpiece I don't know if even that paper paid homage well enough to truly describe the majestic property's of the taco I'll try not to turn this page into something that talks about tacos instead of me. That is about all I can think of to write about me so I guess I will post this. (Not really sure how blogging works)