Thursday, September 4, 2014

Stuff and such about me

My name is Michael Bump and I am a Sophomore here at Whitney Young. I enjoy soccer, frisbee, computers, running, eating, sleeping, the color orange, and the letter T. Maybe not so much the last one but for the most part while I may not be especially good at any of these (other than eating) I have fun doing these activities. I was born in Chicago in a neighborhood called Edgewater, but I now live in a neighborhood called Edgebrook, and am thinking about moving to Edgestream. I have a twin sister who goes to Jones. When I grow up I probably want to be some type of engineer, probably civil or computer engineering. I don't play any organized sports but I do have a job where I fix mostly computers, laptops, and cell phones. What is so great about this is that not only am I getting great experience in case I ever want to be a future computer engineer but I get paid doing something that I like. I commute to school from Jefferson Park which is a stop on the blue line. One thing that I forgot to add is that I like tacos. I wrote a 2 and a half page paper for English last year on why tacos are the best food ever invented. Although I don't know if a mere human could have created such a masterpiece I don't know if even that paper paid homage well enough to truly describe the majestic property's of the taco I'll try not to turn this page into something that talks about tacos instead of me. That is about all I can think of to write about me so I guess I will post this. (Not really sure how blogging works)

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