Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six 6 Word Stories

  1. The Civil War was anything but
  2. He didn't confess until the eulogy
  3. For Sale: Wedding Ring, slightly worn
  4. The NSA spied on the President
  5. She reconsidered, halfway to the pavement
  6. I used to share a surname


  1. I really enjoyed all of your six word stories! However, my favorites were #1 and #5. The first one was just so true and I felt like it could be the first sentence in a book about the Civil War. As for the fifth one, I just came up with so many scenarios that could be written about that one sentence!

    1. Great stories. I love how each story had different structures and weren't just on the same topic . Also great job on being very thoughtful and creative with every story.
