Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

A hero is someone, who when faced with a challenge can show courage not just for themselves but for others. John Proctor, while he did make mistakes and perhaps isn't the best role model, was a hero. He did eventually do what was right by attempting to call out Abigail and show people how they were accusing the innocent and letting the guilty go free. Despite the obvious danger of speaking out against Abigail and the other girls he is determined to stand up for people who are unable to do so for themselves. Not many people would be willing to put their life on the line for others, as it is evident by the amount of people that confessed. And who could blame them? John Proctor also wouldn't confess to being a witch because he didn't want to taint his family name. John Proctor has his faults but without them he wouldn't be a very believable character. Hero's don't have to be flawless, but when the time comes they are the people who step up a little higher than other than others.What John did took courage, and skill, and even though his plan dint work out perfectly his effort was noble and heroic nonetheless.


  1. Nice, but id have to disagree. I don't feel he put his life on the line for others i think he did it for him and to like clear his name.

    1. Ya I guess he had his own interests at heart as well

  2. In my opinion Proctor is a stooge. Although he did "put his life on the line for others" you kinda have to consider it from a different perspective. I feel like he's a stooge because you have to think about if others would've done the same thing for him. And if not that would just mean he was used by all those people to clear their names and the names of their wives.

  3. I feel as if people believe the fact that heroes are flawless, but in actuality, they make mistakes like the rest of us. It's safe to say that John Proctor started out as a stooge because he cheated on his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, with Abigail and wasn't even man enough to admit it. Eventually, he confessed to his adultery in order to disprove Abigail and the other girls, and he also took a stand by not confessing to witchcraft (even though he knew that it would result in his death). I can't speak for anyone else, but to me, that's all that matters when it comes to categorizing one as a hero because he was willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.
