Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hemingway, while he may have had a personal life that can be debated on how "good" it was, was in fact a terrific writer. He was one of the first authors that I have read that actually made me appreciate more than just the plot of a story. In fact many stories he has written don't tell the "plot" up front but leave it to the reader to understand what is really going on . For example in the short story that I'm analyzing, if you just take a quick glance at the story, it would seem as if there's just a boring conversation going on between a man and a woman. However upon closer inspection it can be inferred that the man is trying to convince the woman to get an abortion, although it is never actually stated. It is not often that I enjoy reading when it is for school, and I guess I still don't. But at the very least I am always interested to try to find out what is going in all of Hemingway's short stories. As far as his personal life goes I don't feel as if Hemingway is at fault for everything he did, it seemed as if he just had a lot of bad luck. Even still I find myself at odds of whether he was exactly a good role model or not.

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